Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Moving In the Sand Box...

Another day...moments of wondering...some worrying...but I chased it away the moment it approached...still trying to settle into a battle rhythm...sound a little familiar? That was my about you?

Chris called Nancy today and doh!...she was downstairs at our Church and out of range for only 10 minutes - and he called. Is that life or what? Fortunately, Chris popped off an email and gave us an update. More on that in a minute...

Yesterday, a mother of one of our warriors in Iraq shared a photo of his tattoo. I was touched that a young man would believe so strongly in his country, his fellow warriors and our freedom that he would place...for all to see...engraved permanently in his mind and now on his skin...words from the U.S. Army Soldiers Creed. You remember, the creed that each graduating class recited out loud and in unison during boot camp graduation...if you'd like to see it put to pictures...spend a couple of minutes watching the video below....

I can hear you now...Collabman, what did the tattoo look like? Hang with me...

As I read between the lines of Chris' email I sense that...the 2SCR is quietly getting into a battle rhythm as the day draws near for combat operations. When that time comes there will be no doubt in their minds...nor in ours...that the "fight's on."

In Chris' own words...

Wed, 29 Aug 2007 19:03:39

Hey, mom

I didn't call...actually I use the phones here at the internet place. MUCH better quality and it's way cheaper. I paid 50 bucks to use them and that got me 20 hours. 20 HOURS. That's ridiculous.

If I get time after this then I will give you a call. If not, then know that we'll be leaving tomorrow for the COP. The squad leaders had mixed feelings about it when they went out there today...we'll see.

I haven't got any pictures yet because Boyd still doesn't have the camera charger. It's in one of his duffles. But you don't want any pictures's pretty boring. But I promise I will get some to you.

I love you, mom. I miss and love all of you. Thank you so much for setting up the support group. I'll talk to you soon.


I received permission today to display the tattoo of our warrior with the 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment...look beyond the words and tell me what you see...I think the message is crystal clear...

I love you Chris - hang in there buddy and be encouraged - our prayers surround you all...

- Collabman


CharlestonGirl said...

Once again,
God Bless Them All!

Anonymous said...

Wow, dont we all just love that? I remember at boot camp graduation when they all shouted it at once. So emotional. Love these men and women so much. I find myself wanting to tell any stranger what my son does and where he is. What an honor to be a parent (or any loved one) of a soldier.

Marti said...

I vividly remember this from boot camp. What pride these young men displayed. I printed a copy and had it hanging in my classroom. Will do so again this year. I do tell strangers what my son does and when I do I feel my chest swelling with the pride that all of us feel for these braves souls.

CollabJan said...

Hey CM - thanks for the quick tutorial - my blog is up (what a blast to create :) and I have people voting on what I should post. Do you know how to access the origin of the votes?

Collabman said...

CJ - I looked all over and found nothing that indicates how or even if you can track the origin of the votes. You can track stats on your blog... # hits, # of visitors, location of visitors, bounce rate, etc.

I found nothing though associated directly with tracking those participating in the poll. Maybe Jonesy knows ;-)


CollabJan said...

So how do you access the stats that you mentioned? This is quite an adventure!

Anonymous said...

Dear Myron,

When I spoke to Alex yesterday, I told him his tatoo was on the internet, and he was THRILLED. He'll check it out when he gets his laptop we mailed. He was so proud, and loves the idea of our group and how much its grown. When I see that photo, I see muscle and valor and dedication. I see maturity and passion beyond anything I ever imagined. I also see the back that we scratched before bedtime after story. I see the view from behind our couch of him watching Home Alone, a movie he watched for the umpteenth time when he was on leave last time. Our soldiers aren't just troops in the news, they are our children and loved ones.
Safe thoughts for all, and a big thank you to you.

Collabman said...

Stephanie - well said ma'am! Powerful words that paint quite a have much to be proud of with your son...I feel the same way about Chris...

- Collabman