Saturday, August 18, 2007

IED Training and Birthday Wishes...

We received another email from Chris today and as always, it was great to gain insight into his day and get a sense for how he is doing. For many of you who have never met Chris in person, these emails will give you a look at who he is, what is important to him and a glimpse at his heart. As I read back over my blog, I am not sure as a 19 year old I would have been all that comfortable with so many seeing my letters my mom...

As you read Chris' email from today, pull up a chair along side him as he sits in that hot tent in Kuwait and writes a letter home to mom. What do you see? Maybe it's just me but I could really sense that he misses Erin...his family...and this great country we take for granted. I expect he is not alone in those feelings - I can imagine that there are many in the 2SCR struggling with similar fact, I guarantee it.

Chris' email is also a look at the life of a young warrior preparing for combat operations in Iraq...and preparing to deal with the deadly weapon of choice by insurgents in Iraq - an Improvised Explosive Device (IED). A 19 year old training to detect a device designed to maim and kill. Jeez, what was I doing when I was 19? - what were you doing?

All of this was mixed in with discussions about his 20th birthday which he will celebrate next month. Never did I think Chris would spend his 20th birthday in Baghdad...while conducting combat operations with the 2SCR - but he will...and all he asked for was a do-rag in an ACU pattern...

Chris, I love you buddy...we will get you that handkerchief...and so much more for your 20th...thanks for your sacrifice son...I only wish I could say I was as strong and disciplined at age 19 as you are...

In Chris' own words...

Sat, 18 Aug 2007 14:04:42

Hey, mom. So our power went out in our tent (again) and it's definitely not desirable to stay in there while the AC is off. We did an IED class today where we walk down a road and have to identify possible IED's placed strategically along the road. It was a good class and nice to know they have stuff like this set up for us.

People SHOULDN'T live in this heat. I keep asking why God couldn't have put the Garden of Eden somewhere in the states or something. People wouldn't even be here. Oh well. No one's been sick, yet. One of the team leaders in my platoon is a 4 time heat casualty so he takes a lot of precautions, but other than that we all make sure to drink our fair share of water.

Actually Bae and I are neck and neck when we play ping pong. He uses a hard paddle instead of the padded ones and he's got a great style of play. We usually end our games at like, 21-19 or it goes into over time, and it flip flops who wins. Other than that, I haven't met anyone to beat me yet. Bae and I go down there each day for a couple of hours when we get time off and the computers are all full. It's a good time waster.

What do I want for my birthday? To be home with you guys and Erin. There's not really much more I could ask for. I don't need anything material over here. The PX here has all of the supplies we need. A do-rag or handkerchief in ACU pattern would be nice.

I still need to go buy another phone card :/ I'll give you a call before we head up north. I love you and miss all of you!


Thoughts from our 19 year old warrior...are they difficult to read?



Anonymous said...


Thanks for continuing to share Chris' journey. I wasn't able to get the videos to work but here is a little musical inspiration you might want to include for all the soldiers in our thoughts. Prayers of protection and angels surround them all.

"If ever there was a time
That a prayer should be heard
And now is the time that you hear every word
Now that our boys called soldiers have gone
Please march with them and keep them strong

Stand beside them if they have to fight
And in the darkness be there light
Don't desert them march in there faith
So they'll be here when the morning breaks

Bring them home safe and sound
Across the waters to peaceful ground
Home to loved ones mothers, wives, daughters, sons
Bless them all each and every one

Stand for freedom
And make our flag true
These boys called soldiers for the red white and blue
Prayer for a soldier please let it be heard
And please lord hear every word

Stand for freedom
And make our flag true
These boys called soldiers for the red white and blue
Prayer for a soldier please let it be heard
And please lord hear every word

Prayer for a soldier
With a job to be done
Please bring them home these soldier your son
Please bring them home these soldier your son


Anonymous said...

Here's the full link:

On CD Release: "Prayer For A Soldier" (1990)
Artist/Performing Group: Memphis Exchange

Collabman said...

CJ - thanks for sharing, it means a lot to me and my wife. I listened to the song - very inspirational and the lyrics hit home...

- Collabman

Anonymous said...

Poem by Anonymous


I am a small and precious child, my dad's been sent to fight...
The only place I see his face, is in my dreams at night. He will be gone too many days for my young mind to keep track. I may be sad, but I am proud. My daddy's got your back.

I am a caring mother. My son has gone to war... My mind is filled with worries that I have never known before, Everyday I try to keep my thoughts from turning black. I may be scared, but I am proud. My son has got your back.

I am a strong and loving wife, with a husband still to go. There are times I'm terrified in a way most never know. I bite my lip, and force a smile as I watch my husband pack... My heart may break, but I am proud. My husbands got your back.

I am a soldier... Serving proudly, standing tall. I fight for freedom, yours and mine by answering this call. I do my job while knowing, the thanks it sometimes lacks. Say a prayer that I'll come home. It's me who's got your back.

Thank you for your sacrifice Chris and I am praying for all of you to come home safely.


Collabman said...

Margie - thanks for sharing that poem - those words mean a lot to me and even more so to Nancy...

I am a caring mother. My son has gone to war... My mind is filled with worries that I have never known before, Everyday I try to keep my thoughts from turning black. I may be scared, but I am proud. My son has got your back.

Powerful words as Chris goes downrange...thanks!

- Collabman