Saturday, August 25, 2007

Up-Tempo Operations...

Nancy received two short emails from Chris earlier today. The last one contained his snail-mail address for sending packages. More on that shortly...

When I read his first email I was not surprised - I would have guessed that the 2SCR is extremely busy getting ready for combat operations. I expect they are getting familiar with their environment, getting updates on when and how they will transition to ops, lashing up with their equipment, getting their resources in place...and more...all part of ramping up.

I have to remind myself that this process we are getting a glimpse of has been conducted over and over again in Iraq. It is somewhat comforting to know this process has a purpose - to prepare our warriors and their equipment for combat ops. Anything else would be rushed and put our soldiers at risk...Does it eliminate my fear and impatience? Absolutely not - but it helps...a little.

In Chris' own words...

Sat, 25 Aug 2007 07:09:52

Hey, mom. It's been a little hectic here and the internet is horrible, and the generator blew that ran the phones. It's been hard to get hold of anyone.

I can't view the pictures now since these computers won't allow it, but I will later. It's not that hot here, at least not as bad as it was in Kuwait. Just a liiiittle humid. I'm sorry this can't be longer but I told you about the half hour thing...I miss and love all of you. Thank you for your prayers.


Snail-Mail Address for Chris:

SPC Stevenson, Chris
D. Co 2/2 SCR
Unit # 42542
APO AE 09361

What does Chris or any soldier need in a care package? There is a wonderful site called Any Soldier - click here for an up-to-date list of what to send in a care package...but as I have blogged about and others in our support group (thanks Tom M. - you rock!) have written about...

"A soldier in Iraq can't see your ribbon,
Or the flag at your front door.
But a letter they hold in their hands,
To them means so much more."
Supporter Liam Sweeny

Chris, I love you buddy - keep your head on a will pay off...

- Collabman


Anonymous said...

Chris - find a time to be at peace with yourself in this hectic place. And tell us what "comfort apps" as your dad would say - that would please you in a care package from home. You have a strong network of people surrounding you along the way. Let us help you make the days fly by until you return to the safety of your family.

Anonymous said...

M and N & Chris,
Thank you for sharing you experiences. I will be praying for you and watching your journey along the way. God bless you Chris, words cannot thank you enough for your sacrifice.
Jenn L.