Sunday, September 9, 2007

It Doesn't Get Over Until it Gets Started...

One last blog before I turn info hounds uncovered a great read, courtesy of the Lone Ranger and his blog...The Truth From Iraq

Here is a the full blog article by clicking here

Dragoons Always Ready: Stryker Regiment Set to Help Secure Baghdad

CAMP LIBERTY, Iraq - The 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment is taking over as the quick-reaction force for the Iraqi capital, allowing the Soldiers of the 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team to return to their Fort Lewis, Wash., home station after more than 15 months of combat.

With the relief in place underway and an official transfer of authority looming, the "Dragoons" of the Germany-based 2nd SCR are gearing up for their own 15 months of missions.

Though the 2nd SCR is a regiment in name, it is actually larger than a standard brigade. In fact, it is the equivalent of a typical Stryker Brigade Combat Team, said Lt. Col. Bryan Denny, 40, the regimental deputy commander of 2nd SCR.

"Our regiment is no different than any Stryker Brigade Combat Team. We just have a cool Cav name that has a 170-year history behind it, as the oldest continuously serving cavalry regiment in the U.S. Army," said the native of Oxford, N.C.

With most of the 4,200 Soldiers assigned to the regiment already in country and some en route, the Dragoons are eager to add to the fabled history of the unit, said Command Sgt. Maj. Victor Martinez, 41, the regimental command sergeant major.

"Soldiers are excited to be here. There are many who have not deployed before," said the native of Los Angeles. "This regiment has a great history and we're going to write the next chapter. We want to make the regiment proud."


Special thanks to the Lone Ranger for sharing the insight...

I am looking forward to a good's wishing you and yours the same...

Chris I love you buddy...I remember...every day...stay safe!

- Collabman

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the updates and sharing it all with nephew Luke is part of the 2nd Stryker Calvary and is feels good to be able to connect everyday. You and all your "families" are in my thoughts and prayers everyday.