Thursday, September 20, 2007

Fallen Angel...

My heart aches today. A family in Texas is hurting as their son, Spc. Aaron Walker, assigned to the 2nd SCR was lost this week fighting for his country and those warriors in his unit. I do not know this family but I ache just the they are part of our extended family.

My tears roll deep as I sit and write this blog...there are no words...just a sense of loss as I reflect on these words...

Spc. Aaron J. Walker, 23, of Harker Heights, Texas, died Sept. 18 in Baghdad, Iraq, of wounds suffered when insurgents attacked his unit with small arms fire during combat operations. He was assigned to the 3rd Squadron, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment, 1st Armored Division, Vilseck, Germany.

I knew there would be tough days like this...I pray for strength and peace for the Walker those around them - reach out and embrace them...encourage them...stand tall beside them...

For the rest of us...we press on and hold faith is being tested every day but I know Chris needs me and my family to be we stay strong...and trust that God is in control...

Let me leave you with crossed my mind as I read the reports of our fallen angel from the 2nd SCR...

A Soldiers Promise

If I ever go to war Mom,
Please don't be afraid.

There are some things I must do,
To keep the promise that I made.

I'm sure there will be some heartache,
And I know that you'll cry tears,

But your son is a Soldier now, Mom,
There is nothing you should fear.

If I ever go to war Dad,
I know that you'll be strong.

But you won't have to worry,
Cause you taught me right from wrong.

You kept me firmly on the ground,
yet still taught me how to fly.

Your son is a Soldier now Dad,
I love you Hooah, Even if I die.

If I ever go to war Bro,
There are some things I want to say.

You've always had my back,
and I know it's my time to repay.

You'll always be my daybreak,
through all of life's dark clouds,

Your brother is a Soldier now, Bro,
I promise I'll make you proud.

If I ever go to war my Friends,
We'll never be apart,

Though we may not meet again,
I'll hold you in my heart.

Remember all the times we had,
Don't let your memories cease,

Your friend is a Soldier now, Dear Friend,
And I'll die to bring you peace.

And when I go to heaven, And see that pearly gate,

I'll gladly decline entrance, Then stand my post and wait.

I'm sorry Sir I can't come in, I'm sort of in a bind,
You see I'm still a Soldier Sir...
So I can't leave them behind.

So, how are you all doing? Are you hurting, scared,worried? I am...but I'm ok sharing that with you...we are family now...

- Collabman


Marti said...

Am I worried, scared, nearly out of my mind you bet I am. It's much worse now, but it began on the day David told me he had enlisted. Why then? We were at war then, are now and will be for sometime to come. On Sept. 18, the Walker family suffered the thing we all fear the most. As a parent, I know that they would give anything not only to have their child back, but if they could trade places with him. Didn't we want to do that when they scraped their knees as little tykes? Unfortunately, they aren't getting scraped knees now. We just have to pray that we won't have to hear about and endure more of this.

Anonymous said...

Scared, you bet! It hasn't been a month yet, and we have a long time to go. I am afraid of what is to come. My heart aches for the Walker family. They have paid the ultimate cost of freedom. Aaron will always be remembered as a Hero!! I am asking myself how are we going to adjust to the fear in order to make it through the next year? When do we reach the time that we accept the situation? May God grant us His Grace to get us through!
Terrie, Matt's mom

Cale's mom said...

My son is a driver, 1st Squad,3rd Platoon, Hawk Co. I found your blog shortly after the 2SCR left Germany and now check in daily for any scrap of news. But I've never, in my life, felt compelled to participate until today when I saw the news of Aaron. The emotions, the sadness I feel for his loved ones is so physical, it is almost beyond words. It is mixed in with the constant fear I carry for my son and all of the brave soldiers that are with him. I wonder what times like this will do to them...but I can't wonder too long. It is too hard. I hold my fear in a bubble and can only look at bits at a time or it is overwhelming. I pray for the Walkers and that they will find some peace in Aaron's bravery. As I pray for all of our heros. God is holding Aaron in his arms tonight.

Collabman said...

All - well said...

Thanks for sharing...

- Collabman

Anonymous said...

thank you for your blog.. It´s the first thing I open in the mornign and check it for new entries.
I´m from Germany, German Army Reserves and had a lot of contact to some of the guys from 4/2SCR. And I miss them like I would miss my brother, my son..
If you wouldn´t mind, I´d put a link to this blog on our Reserves-Comradship-Homepage (which is
Sir, thank you so much for sharing your feelings, your thoughts, your worries. Be strong, our thoughts and prayers are with your son and all his comrades over there in Iraq.

Chris Golombek
German Army Reserves /E4

Collabman said...

Chris G. - thanks for the comment sir and for your thoughts/prayers for the 2nd Cav...we all appreciate it sir.

- Collabman