Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Boots on the Ground...Ask 'em Why...

Wow - where do I start? I just got home and my search engines have been quietly running in the background hunting down fresh information on the 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment - I call it information hounding...what do you call it? Someone, somewhere is probably wondering - who let the dogs out? ;-)

The most appropriate place to start is with an update on our wounded warrior I spoke of in my last blog. Many have been praying for Ryan, who is listed on our Wall of Heroes, and inquiring about his status. So as not to cross the very fine line of privacy for Ryan and his family, here is what I am comfortable sharing...Ryan was wounded by a sniper when their tower started taking heavy fire. The sniper round entered through a side opening where his body armor was cinched together. We are thankful to God that the round entered and exited with the least amount of damage possible. He has been upgraded to not seriously injured (NSI). Ryan and the Red Cross have both been in touch with his loved ones in the states which is an encouragement to all of us that the process the Army has put in place...does work. Thank you all for lifting this warrior up in prayer - please continue to pray for Ryan's recovery and his loved ones who are grateful for the wonderful support from this extended family!

Now, on to Chris' phone call. His voice sounded a little weary...but he was in good spirits. He had just returned from patrol and was quickly getting settled into the day-to-day operations tempo - the battle rhythm. Chris was very happy to have received a package from both Erin and Steve V. Thanks to the both of you for taking the time to put the packages together and ship them - I could tell from his voice he was touched by your kindness and appreciated the contents.

Chris also indicated he had changed jobs and was happy with his new role carrying the Squad Automatic Weapon SAW-M249 - photo above). This weapon and ammo are more weight to carry...but right down his alley - he has always wanted to be in the middle of the fight...Chris got his wish.

He spoke of the hours they spent on patrol, pulling guard duty, etc....all while wearing body armor in hot, sticky conditions...not once did he whine or complain. This is what they trained for...many commonly refer to it as boots on the ground...need I say more?

The only thing Chris asked for was baby wipes - I told him we could take care of that request. Other than that, he seemed to enjoy the chat. Of course his first call was to Nancy and I told him that must always be call number 1 ;-) He understood completely... ;-)

It was wonderful to hear his voice and feel his strength and courage...he is well. No surprises here...I am so proud of our men and women serving in this hostile environment...they rock!

Before you retire for the evening, take a peek at this video that my info hounds tipped me to...I will let the video speak for itself...

So...tell me...why don't we ask them what they think?

- Collabman


Marti said...

I know you must have been thrilled to hear from Chris yesterday especially in light of what happened on Tuesday. It amazes me at how easily these warriors can adapt to a new position. If memory serves me, Thomas Morris is also a saw.
I missed David's call on Tuesday, but I could hear the weariness in his voice, too. Pulling an all nighter no longer means the samething to them.
Thanks for another meaningful video. It makes you realize that our men and women have a huge job ahead of them.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting a link to my video, I have gotten a great response to it. Thank you to all our military men and women and their families.. 3rdID8487 on YouTube..

Collabman said...

3rdid8487 - thanks for your comment and the service you provide on YouTube! Well done!

