Friday, September 14, 2007

Dont Blink...

As I wait for a call or email from Chris I have to admit...the fact that I have a 19 year old son on the ground in Baghdad with the 2nd Stryker Cavalry really surreal. Reading the article I just posted caused me to ask where did the time go? How did that young warrior patrolling the streets of Baghdad today...grow up so fast? Wasn't it just yesterday Chris was running with Aaron's yellow "blankie" and throwing it over the safety gate so he couldn't get it? His contagious laughter in the grocery store that would cause everyone to stop and look...that couldn't have been more than a few weeks ago...right?

And its not just Chris...I had the same thoughts about my other two sons too, who are both a few years older than Chris. Wow, could it have gone by that fast? I guess so...and honestly, I am not all that happy about it. What can my boys learn from this? What would I tell them? What will I pass on?

Ever hear a song and say...hey, can I identify with that? When I first heard this Kenny Chesney song a few days ago it caused me to stop and wonder if I had failed to take in all that God had blessed me with...and all life had to offer...

Don't blink...

Did I blink? Did you? How long will it be before your son or daughter or our grandchildren may be patrolling a street somewhere far away in support of the Global War on Terror?

Cause when your hourglass runs out of sand
You can't flip it over and start again

Take every breath God gives you for what it's worth

- Collabman


Marti said...

How right you are. It does seem like just a blink.
I remember the day David was born like it was yesterday. It was Oct. 16, 1979 at 3:57 in the afternoon. It was a Tuesday. When he was handed to me the first things I told him were his name, my
name and his dad's name. Then I went on to say Harvard Law School. I said this to him everyday for years. Now look where he is. Do our kids ever listen to us?

Collabman said...

"Then I went on to say Harvard Law School. I said this to him everyday for years. Now look where he is. Do our kids ever listen to us?"

That really made me smile...I can sooooooo identify - thanks for sharing!

- Collabman

Anonymous said...


I don't think you and your family have 'blinked' life by. I believe you have all been there, together, the entire way, will continue to grow as a family for many years to come and that you will intuitively know that you are all going to be ok!

Thanks for the continued blogs that make us all think, thank and cherish what we have each day!


Collabman said...

CJ - thanks for the encouraging words...

- Collabman

Ryan's mom said...

Thank you for all of this!!! It really helps to be sharing with everyone and to know we are all in this together.It is hard to be going through yet another deployment. Our son is right there with yours. I will continue to thank God for all the special moments shared and the hope that we will all have many more to share.