Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fingerprints and Retinal Scans...

Happy Tuesday! Two days into the work week...lots going on but...never too busy to check up on Chris and the 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment as they continue their work in Baghdad. I am impressed with the various missions this unit conducts and how they approach each one with focus and purpose.

We have seen the 2nd SCR help open markets, provide medical support, enhance neighborhood security, identify and eliminate IEDs and of course, conduct combat operations to track, identify and engage insurgents. What else have they done? We can't be sure but I trust that they have accomplished each and every mission with resolve. I am very proud of Chris and the rest of the 2nd SCR - they earn the respect of our great nation day in and day out...how 'bout you?

Tonight I was tipped to photos showing the 2nd SCR, 4th Squadron, Quick Strike Troop and their work in processing potential security guards for the Holland Apartments School in the Muhaila neighborhood of Baghdad, Iraq. Based on what I have read it appears that this initiative is focused on encouraging the Iraqi's to step up, get involved and make their complex safer without depending on our U.S. warriors for continuous support.

Enjoy the photos and note the technology in use by the 2nd SCR in Baghdad. One day they are searching saddle bags on a mule...the next day they are taking fingerprints and retinal scans. Mundane work? Maybe, but lets not forget they are working in an urban environment where the threat is as close as a scope with cross hairs...

Well done 4th Squadron!

I love you Chris - be safe and keep your head on a swivel...

- Collabman

U.S. Army Soldiers with 1st Armored Division, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment, 4th Squadron, Quick Strike Troop, talk outside the school house for guards at the Holland Apartments in the Muhaila neighborhood of Baghdad, Iraq, on Oct. 3. Inside the classrooms men are being interviewed and entered into the Hierarchical Intrusion Detection system as part of the application process to get jobs as security for the complex.

2nd Lt. Arvind Dayal of 1st Armored Division, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment, 4th Squadron, Quick Strike Troop, copies down the information of a potential security guard for the Holland Apartments at the schoolhouse in the Muhaila neighborhood of Baghdad, Iraq.

U.S. Army Pfc. Jon Pierre Johnson, of 1st Armored Division 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment 4th Squadron Quick Strike Troop, takes a retinal picture of a potential security guard at the Holland Apartments School in the Muhaila neighborhood of Baghdad, Iraq.

U.S. Army Pfc. Jon Pierre Johnson, of 1st Armored Division, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment, 4th Squadron, Quick Strike Troop, finger prints a potential security guard at the Holland Apartments School in the Muhaila neighborhood of Baghdad, Iraq.

1 comment:

Marti said...

Glad to see Iraqis stepping up to take charge. Even here in this country we are fingerprinted as a security precaution, but retinal scans. Interesting.
Our soldiers are so well trained in such a vast variety of things. Most people would be surprised to know this.