Thursday, October 4, 2007

A Call in the Night...

The sound of a cell phone. A dream - huh? What time is it? Does it matter? It's oh dark thirty. No one calls us at this time. Could it be?


This was not a dream and there is nothing sweeter than hearing his voice from Baghdad...

Here is a recap from Chris' mom who took the call:

Chris sounded great! He said his unit really hasn't had that much action but one of the guys in his platoon got shot in the shoulder and that he was back in the fight after two days. These guys are tough! Chris is like the rest of the warriors from our support group in that he said he really doesn't need anything. He appreciates anything we send him though. Now I'm sending him newspaper articles about the baseball playoffs and our local sport teams. Chris said he would be back at the FOB for a while (don't know exactly how long) but I'm glad for any down time he has there.

Chris said it was really boring at his COP. He didn't know if his unit will be at the same COP throughout his tour there, but he really hoped not! I had to tell him that I don't care if he's bored - I care if he's safe!

Hopefully I'll sleep better tonight! It was definitely worth losing a few hours last night to talk to my warrior.

So there you go...the latest update from our Chris. Bored? For those of you who know Chris, does that sound like him or what? ;-) Never happy unless he is in the middle of the fight doing his part...

Chris, I love you son and I remember you every day...your sacrifice...your heart...your commitment to your fellow else can I say it except...I love you!

Be safe son and keep those calls coming...any does not matter...

- Collabman


Cale's mom said...

How awesome Chris's mom got to hear his voice! What a wonderful thing that must have been for her! I need to share a short story of how tightly wound I can feel... The day I found out about Sgt. Olguin I was leaving my office to walk down the street to a meeting and directly in front of me as I stepped out of the building was a silver car with a big Amy insignia on the side, 2 men in the car. Without thinking, I went charging across the street and confronted them "My name is Robyn, my son Cale is with the 2SCR..why are you here!" The 2 officers looked at each other and one said kindly "Mame, we don't know your son. We're recruiters and we're just going into this bank to make a deposit." I was humiliated and my legs felt like jelly. He put his hand on my shoulder and said "It's ok, Mame. We'll keep your son in our thoughts." What a rollercoaster this is. I know Chris's call will hold you up. Thanx for listening.

Anonymous said...

Bless your heart, Robyn. We certainly feel your fear. That would be frightening to see them roll up in their marked car. I'm thankful they were just going to the bank!!
Stay Strong!
Terrie, Matt's Mom

Collabman said...

Robyn - thanks for sharing that story ma'am. Thank goodness it was justa deposit! ;-)

My wife and I can identify...since last weekend we too have been wound a lot tighter...but we are hanging in there and holding fast.

Chris' phone call helped tremendously!

- Collabman

Marti said...

Well, Robyn, with all that has been going on in the past week I think we are especially wound tighter than ever. Your reaction is absolutely understandable. There is nothing to be humiliated about. To tell you the truth, everyday, when I get home from school, I always look in front of the building I live in to make sure there is no car sitting there. I have already decided that I will turn around and walk away. Talk about being would tightly. Listening is what we do best.