Thursday, October 11, 2007

Explosives and Extremists...

So, how are you doing? My day flew by but as always, Chris was on my heart and mind. To Beth, Patrick, CJ and the many others who have stopped by to ask how Chris is doing -- thanks so much for your encouragement!

We noted Chris had checked in on Facebook so that is a virtual heartbeat telling us he was back at the FOB...and ok...

The story below indicates our warriors are taking care of business...take a moment and give it a read.

Rock on 2nd SCR...keep the pressure on and continue to turn up the heat on the bad guys...

By David Mays

Special to American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON - U.S. soldiers are sweeping through a Baghdad neighborhood to clear out explosives and extremists, a coalition commander said, Oct. 11.

"We've been working in the east Rashid district going after the bad guys and doing very, very well and trying to give a little hope to the Iraqis ... so they don't have to live in fear any more," Army Col. John RisCassi told online journalists and "bloggers" during a conference call from Iraq.

RisCassi commands 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment, a rapid response mobile force deployed from Vilseck, Germany, and assigned to Multi-National Division-Baghdad. He and his soldiers are tasked with detecting and diffusing improvised explosive devices and destroying terror cells in a troubled community near Baghdad's heavily fortified International Zone.

"We have a populace down there that is basically being bullied into doing things they don't want to do, harboring al Qaeda or thugs or bad guys, whatever you want to call them," RisCassi said. "I talked to an older gentleman a few days ago, and he's been living there for 25 years, and he just called them bad people, and this was a bad place with bad people in it."

Those bad people have planted plenty of IEDs, the colonel said. In just their first 72 hours on the ground, he explained, 2nd Stryker soldiers located 30 such explosives. "That is a weapon of choice around here, ... and we take it very serious," RisCassi said. "We go as slow as we need to to figure this out."

Part of that figuring process comes from thinking like a terrorist, the colonel said. "First of all, we do a good analysis by saying, 'Hey, if you were the bad guy, where would you put these things?'"

The second part comes from befriending and enabling Iraqi citizens, the colonel said. "We're working hard with the local nationals, the people that live there. They don't want these things on their streets, either. So we have tips lines. We have sources, and they come forward, and they tell us where they are."

While roadside bombs are familiar foes, RisCassi said, the recent advent of houses rigged to explode keeps his soldiers on constant alert.
"You know, we look for wires. We study it very, very hard to see if there's any indicator where these may be," he said. "We've got working military dogs, explosive-sniffing dogs, to try to determine where these houses are. But the best intelligence about "house-borne IEDs" comes from Iraqi citizens themselves, RisCassi explained. "The most telltale sign is someone tells you, 'That's a bad house, and there's something in there,'" he said.

While 2nd Stryker soldiers are barely one month into their mission, they already are preparing Iraqis to take over, RisCassi said, starting with local citizens who have volunteered to assist coalition forces.

"First, we had to secure East Rashid, ... and we're just now getting into the Iraqi security volunteers," the colonel explained. "We just started working with Iraqi forces as of yesterday."

Completing their strike force mission as quickly as possible will help pave the way for lasting security, RisCassi explained.
"That's the big key of success here, doing what we do and then turning it over as quickly as we can to put an Iraqi face on it so the Iraqi people can see their own securing and taking care of them," he said. "And that seems to go a long way."


Despite our recent losses the 2nd SCR is making a difference.

Our warriors
embrace the suck every day. Huh? What does that mean? It's military jargon meaning, "yeah it's bad but this is what we do...we suck it up, deal with it and drive on."

I am working each day to do the 'bout you?

- Collabman


Marti said...

It was hard enough for our soldiers when they had to be vigilent for ieds on the roadside, now they have the additiional horror of a house they are entering blowing them up. What will this enemy think of next? Fortunately, some of the people living in the city are trying to warn them.
Our boys are smart and careful. In the end they wil be the victors.

Collabman said...

Marti - Absolutely. This is an agile, ever-changing set of tactics our warriors are facing...but our warriors will indeed be the victors.

Note these words from a Stars and Stripes article yesterday...

“We must be proud of these soldiers. … We must be proud of their brothers- and sisters-in-arms who have not flinched in the face of evil,” Maj. Thomas Rickard, 2nd SCR rear detachment commander, said at the memorial.

“We must believe in our soldiers, trust their judgment and accept their scars of war,” Rickard said.

The 2nd SCR will not flinch in the face of evil...

- Collabman