Friday, November 2, 2007

Christmas in May...Please...

As I hinted at in my last blog, we received an email from Chris on Thursday, 1 Nov. He is doing well and looking forward to Christmas in May - which is when he is scheduled for 18 days of R&R...

Here is the Chris' own words...

Thu, 01 Nov 2007 10:48:18
Hey, mom
I'm sorry I didn't write back last night when I read this...we have internet at the COP now! I think I told you...and they have USB ports so I can put all the pictures that I take and put them on facebook through here instead of having to send them to you through that thumb drive.

I saw the pictures from dad's facebook page and it looks like you guys had/are having a blast. I wish I could be there with you.

I do read your emails, mom...sometimes I just get sidetracked and forget to write back. I did see all of the videos...thank you very much. I loved them.

Haha, how 'bout a new laptop? Naw, I'm kidding, mine still works fine. It's just getting old. I'll probably buy a new one when I go home for leave. I'm gonna go ahead and say the special Thanksgiving meal will be an 8 hour guard shift with a side of patrol. Hah, I'm kidding. I'm not sure if they'll do anything super dooper special but we'll see.

Yeah, first Christmas away from home. That'll be weird. Christmas in May, please :]

I miss you guys and love you. I can't wait to see you in May.

We love you son and cannot wait to see you in May of '08. Take it one day at a time...keep your head on a swivel safe.

Before you prepare for the weekend...

For those of you with loved ones serving with the 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment, take a moment to reflect on their work as seen through the eyes of our talented combat cameramen who have been tracking them...

Many will call the activities in the photos below, efforts by the 2nd SCR to capture the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people. I call it simply...the right thing to do...what do you think?

I am very proud of our young men and women in the 2nd SCR and their commitment to taking care of business...

How come we do not see these type of pictures and stories in the national news? Never mind...

Photographer: Spc. Luke Thornberry

Spc. Kirby Wasson interacts with an Iraqi child after searching the house. U.S. Army Spc. Kirby Wasson is from the 3rd Squadron, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment.

Photographer: Spc. Larayne Hurd

U.S. Army Capt. Edmond Hardy of 1st Armored Division, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment, 4th Squadron, Outlaw Troop commander holds a local child and her new toy monkey while giving orders during an aide mission in the Al Doreen neighborhood of Iraq, Oct. 14. Outlaw Troop handed out blankets, toys and kerosene heaters in preparation for the winter months.

Photographer: Spc. Ben Washburn

An Iraqi farmer and his son attempt to control a sheep so it can be vaccinated. Soldiers assigned to the 2nd Squadron, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment, currently assigned to the 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 1st Inf. Div., visited the Five Farms area of the Rashid district to improve the health of the livestock there.

U.S. Army photo/Maj. Tim Hunt, Fires Squadron, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment

Water fills an irrigation canal near Fira Shia, Iraq. After uncovering a problem at a power substation, leadership in the Fires Squadron, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment worked with local Sunni and Shia tribal leaders, local government officials and the 1st Squadron, 7th Cavalry Regiment to provide an adequate supply of water to assist local farmers with raising their crops.

- Collabman


Marti said...

Here's a good way to mark the days until Chris gets home for R&R. Each month has at least one holiday. Work towards that and the month passes a little quicker. For example, In November, there is Election Day next week, then Veteran's Day the week after and then Thanksgiving the following week. The week after that is the beginning of December. Wasn't that a quick month. This is the teachers' way of marking off the months. Try it and see if it works.

Anonymous said...

Those pictures like the first two make my heart expand with joy. It shows how compassionate we Americans are. For those Iraqi women to trust there little ones with American soldiers makes me so proud. We aren't going over there to show how bad we can be, but we are there to help innocent people. Ilove it. Thanks for sharing, M!
Terrie, Matt's mom

Collabman said...

Marti - great idea and something I will incorporate into my battle rhythm ;-)

Thanks for sharing...enjoy your weekend ma'am!

- Collabman

Collabman said...

Terrie - I agree, and there are many more photos just like these.

I enjoy seeing the compassion and giving hearts of our warriors, all while conducting combat operations. It's an odd mix of emotions...wouldn't you agree?

Enjoy your weekend ma'am!

- Collabman