Saturday, June 14, 2008

A Letter to Chris...

1st Squad, Dog Company, 2nd Squadron, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment in Baghdad, Iraq - 2008. Left to right, front row- SPC Chris Stevenson, SPC Brandon (Robo) Robertson, SGT Arroyo, SPC Jeffries
Left to right, Back Row - SPC Eric Strick, SPC Bobby Shoendorf, SGT Jeff Yee, SPC Fisher

You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast

These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this

Trace Adkins, You're Gonna Miss This

Dear Chris,

On the eve of Father's Day 2008 and your departure back to Iraq to rejoin your fellow warriors, I wanted to take a moment and "pen" some thoughts I have about you, our experience during your R&R and most of all your return to the fight with the 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment. I am not ashamed to let those who read my blog, our blog, have insight to my thoughts and feelings...I trust you feel the same. Why? These are the folks who continue to surround you and the entire 2nd SCR with their prayers and thoughts...we all have come this far as an extended, virtual family...we will continue until you all are safely home later this year.

Our time with you during R&R in Colorado was better than even we could have imagined. To see you come up that escalator at the airport in uniform was a proud moment. The emotions that came flooding out when you hugged us that first time will carry me for the rest of my life. I will remember...To see your growth and maturity as a man, coupled with the special way you treat Erin, was a reminder of the man you have become. We laughed, danced and partied throughout the night at Jake and Haley's wedding. Was that fun or what?...I will remember. The way you and Aaron sang that Sunday morning at church was amazing. You both honored God with your voices and blessed all those who heard the words of that song. I will remember...

"He was pierced for our transgressions
He was crushed for our sins

The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him

And by His wounds, by His wounds we are healed

And by His wounds, by His wounds

What can wash away my sin?

Nothing but the blood of Jesus"

That final morning when we said so long was one of the hardest things I have ever done. The sun was streaming into your room through the Blue Star Service Flag hanging in your window. I didn't want to let you go but I knew your heart was longing to spend time in Virginia with that was important to me...but it was still hard to say so long. Don't tell anyone but I wept most of the way to work that morning...tears filled with the joy of having you home but also mixed with the sadness of seeing you go. I will remember...

The photos of your R&R scattered throughout this blog, along with photos of the 2nd SCR warriors you will join in Iraq early next week, are a reminder of the time you spent at home...and the important task ahead of you. I will remember...I know Strick, Robo and the rest of your teammates will be glad to have you back. Yes, the days ahead will be hot and difficult at times. They will be filled with lots of boredom, interrupted by moments of intense, chaotic action. Every time you go outside the wire keep your head on a swivel. It is the least you can do for your teammates and yourself. Leave nothing to chance, no detail forgotten, no distractions. Just as you were encouraged to do when you went to the pitching mound in the late innings of a close baseball game...finish strong. Prepare the battle ground you own today for the unit that will take the baton and assume your area of responsibility...just as the unit you replaced did for the 2nd SCR.

I will close with these promises...promises that I have thought about since the day you left for Virginia.

I will continue to pray daily for you and the entire 2nd SCR. That band of angels, along with the prayer warriors that God has placed around you during the first part of your deployment, will be back in action. I promise...

I will continue to fly the Blue Star Service flag in your window until you touch down in Germany later this year. It will fly 24 hours a day in honor of your courage and sacrifice...and as a reminder to everyone who sees it. I promise...

I will honor the sacrifice and commitment of you and the 2nd SCR by continuing to blog about your journey - until you are safely home. I said I would be in the fight from beginning to end and I will keep that commitment. I promise...

Do you remember how I honored Jake on his wedding night by lighting up my first cigar? It was a special moment and one I will never forget. I only smoked a portion of the cigar...what, it was my first :-)...and placed the rest of it in a glass tube for safe keeping. When I know that you are wheels up out of Kuwait and safely headed home, I will invite your brothers Jake and Aaron, my two buddies Bob and Steve (and anyone else who wants to come over) and I will once again light that cigar and smoke it in honor of you and the 2nd SCR. I promise...

Finally, I will be in Germany to honor you and the 2nd SCR when you return. What a proud yet bittersweet moment that will be. Sweet to have you home...bitter as we remember those who didn't make it home. It is the least I can do to say thank you for securing my freedom. I promise...

I love you more than words can say. I am humbled by your talents, discipline and maturity beyond your 20 years. You and your brothers make each Father's Day a joyous occasion for me. My prayer is that I have given just a little bit back to the three of you.

These pictures on tonight's blog will be seen by many and we will remember these times...they will carry us to Germany.

I love you Chris...not just today, but until forever...

Be safe!



Unknown said...

An absolutely beautiful letter from a father to his son. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Anonymous said...

Remember always that we are with you and your family. (As I remind myself that you are with us.)
Our Father WILL keep us all in His hands.
Thank you for sharing, in a most beautiful way, your heart and soul.
From a most grateful Striker Med Troop Mom!

Thank you for your inspiring blog .
Thank you, Chris, for your dedication to our freedom.

Anonymous said...

Hello There,

Great Letter!! I know it is tough to see your son leave after R & R.
I went through the same thing with both of my sons when they went back after R & R. Ther are also with the 2SCR. They were both actually home at the same time for their R & R. I wish I could be in Germany when they return. My oldest sons wife and son will be there. Please, take some video of the landing and greeting and shre it with us. We will continue to pray for the entire 2SCR. We fly a Soldiers Angel flag on our garage. (Until They All Come Home)

Tony LaFrenier
San Antonio, Texas

Anonymous said...


thank you so much for sharing this very personal thoughts with us.


Anonymous said...

What a touching tribute to your son. Thank you for baring your heart for all to see. You express all of our feelings as we wait for our loved ones to come home.

Bless you and yours,
Matt's mom

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for sharing your letter, it brought tears to my eyes because I know....praying until they come home!

Lori B

Anonymous said...

Collabman: Once again, you brought tears to my eyes, as you captured in words exactly what we feel. All our troopers in the 2nd Cav remain in our thoughts and prayers as we continue on this journey. George

Anonymous said...


Awesome letter! Thanks for sharing a sincere heart to heart outpouring of your love for your son. How many sons wish their dad was there for them as you are for Chris? How many lives will this touch? What an amazing experience for all of the soldiers working so hard to keep America safe for all of us.
Looking forward to photos of that celebratory cigar ceremony :)
Hugs to all the dads out there (and their omnipresent moms) and safe journey to all our returning soldiers!

Collabman said...

CJ - thanks for the sanity check and encouraging is a big help to Ms Collabman and me :-)

- Collabman

Anonymous said...

Great thoghts Collabman!

I can`t wait for the day when they are back in Vilseck!