Friday, July 20, 2007

Saying So Long...but Never Good Bye...

Who said saying so long to one of your sons as you send him off to war is easy? That thought never crossed my mind this morning as Nancy and I said so long to Chris at the airport. It is never easy to send your child off...especially when you know he is headed for combat operations in Iraq. Chris captured it very succinctly when he looked at us and said... "we can do this now or in another 30 minutes... but it won't be any easier" there we stood with just one last hug to give...I can only hope he could feel and sense how much we love him. There are not enough tears to show how much he will be missed...a boy transformed into a man so quickly.

We enjoyed his time at home this week...but just as I expected - the time flew by. He is now winging his way to the east coast to spend some time with friends and hopefully a young lady named Erin who by all accounts a special person who means a lot to Chris. Nancy and I are praying his time with Erin and others on the east coast is full of fun, good times and memories that will last...because once he leaves Virginia, he will return to Germany and get moving with the awesome task at hand - deployment to Iraq and the beginning of a 15 month journey that we trust God is in control of...

What were we thinking when Chris said....I want to join the Army and serve our country?

- Collabman

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